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Changing Trains

Posted: 13 Jan 2022 23:20
by DriverDrew

I'm one of those really annoying people who insist trains be done correctly, just for the simple reason that they can often either drive home your location or blow it apart. I love seeing the CP running alongside the TCH in British Columbia, but recently while playing in another map (not a ProMods map), I was jarred out of my false reality when I saw a train that shouldn't have been there geographically—because I was in Alaska.

This got me to thinking, I could use my knowledge of the trains to put correct trains in the correct places? How to go about doing this completely evades me, but I know I'd like to see a CN or BC Rail locomotive alongside Hwy 99 in BC just as much as I'd like to see an Alaska RR locomotive in Alaska.

This project has so far only progressed as far as my other attempts at reskinning AI vehicles has: not far. I've found the offending textures, but I'm used to working with templates like those provided by MS2, or other users who have the ability (read: knowledge) to pull the template from the model.

I'd like to eventually share this work (as well as my other work with the fire trucks in this game currently suffering from the same problems) with the ProMods community as the map spreads across Canada. I envision geographically correct trains (as far as I can go with the models already in-game) as well as area-correct fire trucks and ambulances.

I'd love some assistance, or a nudge in the correct direction to help make this a reality.


Re: Changing Trains

Posted: 24 Jan 2022 03:36
by ScuL
The trains are defined in the AI vehicles definitions (as to what is allowed in each "state" - for game purposes "BC" is a state as is "AK" or "WA")