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Create a standalone map with Promods assets

Posted: 23 Dec 2021 16:34
by aaronvivies
I have a question, it's legal to create a standalone map with the Promods assets ? I mean, certainly the person's who wants to download the map should to download the Promods first, but is possible ? It's legal to use promods asset's for a standalone map ?

Re: Create a standalone map with Promods assets

Posted: 23 Dec 2021 20:09
by bmwGTR

it is not a "standalone" then - it is then a add-on, it will require to have ProMods in the mod manager (like for example Project Balkans or Macedonia Rework).

But yes, it is possible - it is only not allowed to copy ProMods assets to your mod.

Best regards,

Re: Create a standalone map with Promods assets

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 01:14
by aaronvivies
But I don't want to create an addon for the europe map, want to create a map from zero, I want only to use the Promods elements, but my map is totally independent to the europe (ex: Grand Utopia). Imagine, I create a map who needs to create a new game profile on ets2 (standalone). But, this map requires Promods files to work, because this map was created with the Promods elements (signs models ect...). So, it's possible ?

Re: Create a standalone map with Promods assets

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 13:45
by bmwGTR

that is not possible - the user would have to load ProMods too in the mod manager.

Best regards,

Re: Create a standalone map with Promods assets

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 22:29
by Josh0
As long as your users are required to download and use the ProMods files in order to use your map, yes it should be possible (and allowed) to make a "standalone" map using ProMods assets. Just to be clear: you are not allowed to extract/decompile the contents of the ProMods files.

Re: Create a standalone map with Promods assets

Posted: 05 Jan 2022 21:24
by aaronvivies
Ok, very good, so, for a standalone map is possible... Ok, but every files is required in the mod manager for a stanndalone map with promods or simply the "assets" file ?

Re: Create a standalone map with Promods assets

Posted: 05 Jan 2022 22:28
by Josh0
You would need at least the assets, map, and definition files (unless you make your own asset definitions) and I've never tried that combination so I don't know how well it would work. But keep in mind that everyone who wants to use your mod still has to download the full ProMods package, even if you/they only need a few of the files, because it is only distributed as one big 7-zip file.