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Cityes disapeared

Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:05
by kc'Elar
Hi, guys...
I'm experimenting a trouble...
I'm using ETS 2 1.36 and in it there some cities, in special on Turkey and they're not there...
Yes, at the ProMods map 2.43 all turkish cities are disapeared! I don't know if it's only to me, but it is comming over me.
Do you know this issue? How could I solve it? Some cities at Balkans are not there. If I use ETS2 1.36 without ProMods map, I found out all cities at its place, but when I use ProMods 2.43 map... I experience that issue, some cities at Balkans aore not there!
Thank ya for thou attention.

Re: Cityes disapeared

Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:00
by bmwGTR

ProMods 2.43 is currently not merged with the Black Sea DLC, therefore the areas of the DLC are overwritten.
The next version (2.45) will be merged with the new DLC - when this version is ready, we do not know.

Best regards,