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suggestion: English side of Channel Tunnel

Posted: 24 Sep 2017 18:40
by dkokales
I really like the new version of the English side of the Channel Tunnel. I do have one suggestion though, and was wondering what users and developers will think of it. Currently, the English side of the tunnel is in the normal 1:15 scale for UK, or at least most of it is as far as I can tell. By this, I mean the approach roads, parking lots, etc. This means that one travels ten or more kilometers within the channel tunnel complex, something which seems unrealistic to me. Also, it adds many kilometers to a trip through the tunnel, and makes it less appealing as opposed to taking the ferry. I would suggest making the roads within the English side of the tunnel area a city area, 1:3 scale. I think this would be more realistic (parking areas that are a hundred or two meters long and not several kilometers, roads that may be a couple kilometers long and not 10 to 20, etc.) and also make it more advantageous to take cargo through the tunnel.