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[Fixed] [#38749/38750] [v2.64] [Iberia] Puertollano special transport route

Posted: 03 Mar 2023 18:41
by alexgg
Bug Summary:
The special transport route of Puertollano cannot be completed, when you leave the part of Iberia mapped by SCS, and reach the first intersections created by Promods, the escort vans stop, making it impossible to finish the route.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Start your ST route from Madrid to Puertollano.

2. Follow the GPS route untill you reach the promods mapping area.

3. Follow the scort van and enter on the following intersection.
On this intersection, the rear van will get stuck on either one of those red circles. COORDS: (sec-0017+0014);-65395.7;476.219;56577.2;-2.2442;-1.17472

4. If by chance, the rear van does not get stuck there. It will be at an intersection later that the first van will be stuck on the red circle. Image
COORDS: (sec-0017+0014);-67204.5;411.228;56743.3;2.54149;-1.17472

I've tried with all ST cargoes that goes to Puertollano, and all of they have the same problem.

If the game log is needed, i can provide it later today. At the time I'm writing this post, I don't have it handy.

Re: [v2.64] [Iberia] Puertollano special transport route

Posted: 02 May 2023 14:54
by alexgg
It's been 2 months since publication. Any news about this? :D

Re: [v2.64] [Iberia] Puertollano special transport route

Posted: 07 May 2023 09:04
by TheEnglishOtter
The issues you mentioned have been reported internally with ID 38749 and ID 38750.

Re: [#38749/38750] [v2.64] [Iberia] Puertollano special transport route

Posted: 25 Aug 2023 23:41
by mads1153
Fixed in WIP.