Roundabouts (traffic circles) too small

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21 Aug 2014 14:11

Uzi wrote: Reason, I had been using another map after 1.11 ETS2 finalliy went live ( I won't mention who why bother stirring a fuss) and theydo not have modelers that are as fascinated by roundabouts as it appears Promod guys are.

I did try to stick with 1.70 but it was immediate to me that the even SMALLER roundabouts than default plus it seemed someone on the team is just fascinated with using as many as they can led me to deciding how to fix. I just don't use PRomod any more.
1 - we only place roundabouts where they are placed in real life
2 - roundabouts are VERY common in Europe

Additionally: there are only two types of roundabouts in the game
A) a double lane roundabout (not very common in real life)
B) a single lane roundabout (extremely common in real life)

SCS only uses the type A which is not that realistic
We use type B a lot more which is far more common in real life

If people say we need to make type B bigger either they have an unrealistic expectation or have lost touch with reality

Uzi wrote: I notice another annoying trend though, map makers that love toll roads but that is another story.
again - we only place toll stations where they exist in real life. In France this means A LOT.
It's a huge frustration of mine which is why I hate driving through France on the autoroute

I've spent a huge amount of time on the road in Europe, not only main motorways but also on smaller regional roads and I can tell you that the road system as we have it in ProMods is as accurate as it could be within the limitations of the game.

European countries I've driven in: Ireland, UK, France, Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Poland, Czech Rep., Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece.
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21 Aug 2014 14:49

Wow! I take my hat off to you ScuL!. That's some driving C.V. :D . Of course at this point I could say that my idea of American roads are that they are 6-lane super-highways, thousands of miles long, dead straight, and have a blanket 55mph speed limit. But then I've absolutely no experience of driving in the USA ;) . Roundabouts and tollgates are a part of European life, love 'em or hate 'em :? . Here in the UK we've gone one step further - mini-roundabouts (basically big white spots painted on the road), multiple roundabouts at a single junction, and even multiple roundabouts with crossroads combined! Nightmare :lol: .
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21 Aug 2014 15:20

cashtime2013 wrote:Wow! I take my hat off to you ScuL!. That's some driving C.V. :D . Of course at this point I could say that my idea of American roads are that they are 6-lane super-highways, thousands of miles long, dead straight, and have a blanket 55mph speed limit. But then I've absolutely no experience of driving in the USA ;)
That's just Europe!
In the US I've driven in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Washington DC, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and California. And I can't say I've seen many roundabouts..
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21 Aug 2014 15:36

btw I think it's BS to start bitching about european roads if you only saw it on streetview. Maybe he should come to europe and get the taste.

I know that British people are very upset with the lack of roundabouts in the UK. And true, you barely see them in the USA but that has maybe other reasons.
Am I developing at the moment?
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21 Aug 2014 16:11

So, here are 2 cents from me, a rl Truck Driver in Europe and North America.
My home province Prince Edward Island started implementing traffic circles afew years ago and the first few months were a mess because
nobody here knew how to deal with them. A few years down the road most people love them. Less dangerous then a big intersection with road signs only and quicker than a set of lights.

I also loved them back in Europe for one particular reason. You are in an unfamiliar town looking for your customer and miss your turn. Happens to the best every day, even with GPS system. Doing a U-Turn in a car is an easy thing, at least for people being able to drive. Tractor-Trailer, different story unless there is a traffic circle. Just go around it.

However, the way the AI acts in these roundabouts in ETS2 can be quite annoying. A situation I encountered. AI crashes in roundabout right in front fo me. So i stopped and another AI-Truck hit my side at full speed and my truck gets flipped and totalled. But is that that the mappers fault ? I don't think so.

Guys, you are doing a great job with this map, so don't get bothered by some smart a@#. Pretending to know roads from google street view is ridiculous. Pictures can't simulate the traffic and the driving. Not on a bicycle, let alone a big rig.

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21 Aug 2014 17:46

You should drive as for to the outer white line as possible with your truck...

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21 Aug 2014 22:02

Quite right. It's not the roundabouts that are the problem, if you know how to drive them. It's dealing with the AI on them, with their differing senses of priority!
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21 Aug 2014 22:08

I shut my eyes and hope :o

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21 Aug 2014 22:24

Another thing about UK roundabouts: Unlike roads and junctions, roundabouts tend not to have names or numbers, so when big superstores get built next to them, and new ones often do, the roundabouts get known by the company name, so you have the "Tesco's roundabout", the "Toys 'R' Us roundabout" etc.. ;)
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21 Aug 2014 22:37

I find rounabouts incredibly easy to drive in ETS2. There's a "tactic" to it. When you drive on one, go as far as you can with the 'nose' of your truck, then turn the weel around and do the same thing on the outside ring, then keep turning to the left and when you have to exit the roundabout go as far to the little piece of grass or the line as you can and then steer all the way to the right.
That way your trailer will only tap the higher side of the roundabout and you will always make a clean circle.

I know it sounds weird, and I'd make a video about it if I could.. But once you learn this trick (I taught it myself after practising) roundabouts are easy and fun.

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