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Re: ETS 2 beta 1.24

Posted: 25 May 2016 11:29
by LoaderSaints
If you have opted to use the beta versions then Steam will automatically download the latest beta available. However, if you opt out of any beta versions the game is still in v1.23.x.

1.24 open beta and promods 2.02

Posted: 25 May 2016 16:11
by lighthousepoet
Have just tried the open beta 1.24, however, it is not compatible with promods version 2.02. Strangely it is however compatible with version 2.01. I have not worked out how to use the advanced trailer appears to me that there seems to be some controls missing that will allow you to couple the trailer...such as connect cables ....raise legs etc and an external camera to show the animation. I have no doubt that some of you guys will post the solution to this.

Re: 1.24 open beta and promods 2.02

Posted: 25 May 2016 16:38
by Josh0
lighthousepoet wrote:Have just tried the open beta 1.24, however, it is not compatible with promods version 2.02. Strangely it is however compatible with version 2.01.
No version of ProMods is compatible with ETS2 1.24.x, including ProMods 2.01. A new feature added to ProMods 2.02 prevents you from loading an ETS2 1.24.x profile with the ProMods 2.02 files. Just because ProMods 2.01 doesn't prevent you from loading the files in ETS2 1.24.x does not mean it is compatible.

Re: 1.24 open beta and promods 2.02

Posted: 25 May 2016 17:28
by lighthousepoet
Well josh it would help if you provide your definition of compatibility....mine is ....ETS 2 does not display incompatibility in the mod manager with 2.01 as opposed to 2.02. and so far ETS 2 runs without crashing. If you know of another definition please advise. I am perfectly aware that modifications made in 2.02 will not be available in the previous version and until promods comes out with a suitable mod update this will be the accepted case. Another alternative would be to remove all mods and run 1.24 beta until such times as the compatibility issue is resolved.

Re: 1.24 open beta and promods 2.02

Posted: 25 May 2016 17:52
by LoaderSaints
Definition of compatibility: Does the mod work without errors on the given product version?

So by this definition:
No version of ProMods supports ETS2 1.24 BETA due to changes in def files.

Re: 1.24 open beta and promods 2.02

Posted: 25 May 2016 18:02
by lighthousepoet
Sounds good to me...but as stated so far 1.24 runs without the game crashing in 2.01....the only thing I have noticed is that with the advanced coupling there is a question mark on how it works....ETS 2 has crashed when trying to use this mode...and that is with disabling all compatibility issues are not the problem. Ah just thought...I have trailer mods enabled maybe they are the problem. Will report back.

Re: 1.24 open beta and promods 2.02

Posted: 25 May 2016 18:03
by LoaderSaints
I bet you still have tons of errors in your game.log even if it doesn't crash.

Re: 1.24 open beta and promods 2.02

Posted: 25 May 2016 19:07
by lighthousepoet
No doubt you are right with that Loader Saints.....I am happy that they do not interfere with the running of the simulation or spoil any enjoyment from maybe I am wrong but it seems that the advanced coupling is only added animation of the raising of the legs... ok so you have to be in alignment with the kingpin but that seems to be the only difficulty. I appear to be right that it was the trailer mods that were causing the crash issues.

Re: ETS 2 beta 1.24

Posted: 06 Jun 2016 15:09
by Daktyl
Today 1.24 was officially released. When promods will be updated?

can't load a save after update to 1.24.1

Posted: 06 Jun 2016 15:40
by Ziele

I got problem. Today my steam version of ETS has update to version 1.24.1. After that I tried to load my profile and then I got a message that "ETS has mods that are missing or incompatible. All marked to red are pro mods and rusmap mods.

anyone can confirm all find sollution?

